Comeback Garrett
Uzun bir aradan sonra Pandemi röportajlarına devam ediyorum. Hala Ultimate ve turnuva özlemimiz devam ederken eskilerden Garrett'ın röportaj talebime cevabıyla tekrardan burayı canlandırayım dedim. Tanımayanlar için Garrett, ilk kuruluş yıllarında Bilkent oyuncusu olarak başlamış olup Türkiye Ultimate Camiası'na oldukça katkısı olmuştur. Aradan uzuuun yıllar geçmiş olsa da tekrar haber almak güzel, gelin şimdilerde ne yapıyor kendisini dinleyelim..
* Which team do you play in and what does this team do at these times?
I occasionally practice with the Göttinger 7 here in Göttingen, Germany, but I haven’t been able to play much in the past few years. My two kids, Lee and Nick, aren’t really old enough to tag along with me to ultimate practice and the pandemic kept them from practicing for a long time.
* When was the last time you played an ultimate game, where?
The last tournament I played was German Mixed Nationals (in the 3rd league) in Germany with the Göttingen team in 2018. We won and moved up to the second league, but I sprained my ankle and couldn’t play for around 6 months…
* When was the last time you threw a disc, where?
I threw lots of discs on a field the day before yesterday, but they weren’t ultimate discs…

* What are you more interested in than Ultimate at these times?
I started playing disc golf a few years ago when I realized I couldn’t really go to ultimate practices with my son Lee. Lee immediately got super interested and started throwing forehands pretty well at a very young age (2). By the time he was three and a half, he could play a full round of disc golf with me. Since then we’ve been playing together whenever we can. Once you get into it and start learning about discs, form, flight, tactics, etc., disc golf is a really fun sport. Even though I still love ultimate, I’ve pretty much completely converted to a disc golf player at this point. Once Lee is old enough we plan to go to tournaments together. We’ve already traveled around a bit and played some awesome courses.
* Who should we interview from the ultimate community after you? 🙂
I would love to hear what Ebru and Ari are up to. Also Aycan Bozkurt!

Bu arada türkçe tamamen unutuğumu düşünmeyin! Bir tek bütün soruları türkçeyle cevaplamaya çalışsaydım galiba yeterli zaman bulamazdım. Çok kullanmıyorum bu aralar türkçemi ama hala kafamda saklanıyor bir yerde yine daha fazla kullanacağım günleri bekliyordur…
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