Comeback Melanie
Pandemi röportajlarında sırada eski Türk Kası oyuncusu olan, geçmişte Kanada Milli Takımı ve 2013'teki Avrupa Plaj Şampiyonası'nda Türk Takımı'nda oynamış olan Melanie var! Türk Ultimate'ına özellikle Kadın Kliniklerine katkıda bulunmuş ve hala hatırlanan(röportaj önerisi olarak ismi geçmişti) bir oyuncu. Kendisinden haber almayalı uzun zaman olmuştu, bakalım bu dönemde neler yapıyor dinleyelim..
* Which team do you play in and what does this team do at these times?
I am currently retired from any official Canadian ultimate and just play pick up for fun in my small town in Fernie.
* What are you doing individually during this period? (As training)
I am currently training for a sky-running race that is happening in late June. I am also coaching alpine ski racing, fat biking (winter biking) cross-country skiing and playing with the kids.
* When was the last time you threw a disc, where?
Hmm I throw one with my dog all the time. He is getting really good! Otherwise October with Mike near our house before all the snow came!
* When was the last time you played an ultimate game, where?
We were able to play pick up in Fernie a little bit this summer, which was super fun. However then they placed restrictions back on and we had to stop playing. Booo.
* What is your first tournament prediction after the pandemic? Who wins the tournament and tournament party?
I don’t have any tournament predictions for Canada, however I hope that Kylios will happen in Turkey for you all!
* What do you think about Ultimate’s future? (at your personal life / at Turkey / Worldwide)
I truly believe that we will be able to play again in the near future. It might look a little different but it will happen. I am really looking forward to the time when I can hug friends, and family and travel. I sure miss getting on a plane and going off on an adventure. I am very thankful that I live in a small town and have access to all sorts of activities right outside my door. I know that lots of people in the world don’t have this and I appreciate it so much every time I get out.
* What are you more interested in than Ultimate at these times?
In the winter- Downhill skiing, fat biking, trail running, cross country skiing doing fun things with my family outside. In the summer I love mountain biking, trail running, camping and hiking. Basically anything outside that let’s me go FAST!
* Who should we interview from the Turkish ultimate community after you? 🙂
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Miss you all! Thanks for reaching out!